The Peaceful Affair
Renowned detective Noro Myx is called in by the President of the United States to search for the missing War Treaties, whose disappearance could wreak worldwide havoc. Along with his trusted assistants — Miss Lipps, the small giant, and the tall dwarf — Myx eagerly delves into the affair, to quickly discover the treaties are but the tip of the iceberg. The investigation twists and turns, leading the gallant operatives to open Pandora’s Box — despite her vociferous protestations — and leap into the depths of a far more nefarious scheme.
As the battles rage and the plots thicken Myx plunges forward intrepidly in a gallant effort to save the country, the world, and the day (Tuesday, to be precise) from the most horrific nightmare of all: nuclear peace.
“The Peaceful Affair is most likely the best book ever. It is utterly ridiculous, completely hilarious and disarmingly clever. Subtle? Not so much. But who needs subtlety when you’ve got everything else in the world going for you? Not this book and not its author, Moshe Sipper, who has probably crafted the best book in the entire history of bookism … Sipper’s cleverness and talent for wordplay works perfectly with the over-the-top storyline, and there is no point where this book is anything but a pure joy to read.” – Portland Book Review
“The Peaceful Affair is an utterly mad book, yet in a most delightful way … If you enjoy a good laugh, you’ll certainly find plenty of them here.” – Sacramento Book Review