Moshe Sipper


Nowadays I focus on machine learning, deep learning, evolutionary computation, and general issues regarding AI.

In the past I dabbled in all kinds of stuff, including: artificial lifeartificial neural networks (before they became deep learning…), artificial self-replicationbio-inspired computingcellular automatacellular computing,​ embryonic electronicsevolutionary robotics, evolvable hardwarefuzzy logicgame AI, and search-based software engineering.


​Grad students​ (past and present)
מִכָּל תַּלְמִידַי הִשְׂכַּלְתִּי

Tal Alter â—¦ Itay Azaria â—¦ Yaniv Azaria â—¦ Gali Barabash Katz â—¦ Amit Benbassat â—¦ ​Mati Bot â—¦ Carmel Bregman â—¦ Mathieu S. Capcarrère â—¦ Tal Cohen â—¦ Avinoam David â—¦ Achiya Elyasaf â—¦ Assaf Glazer â—¦ Rotem Golan â—¦ Tomer Halperin â—¦ Zvika Haramaty â—¦ Yehudit Hasson â—¦ Ami Hauptman â—¦ Tor Ivry â—¦ ​Ram Janovski â—¦ Shalom Kachko â—¦ Ilan Kadar â—¦ Raz Lapid â—¦ Shahar Michal â—¦ Eylon Mizrahi â—¦ Barak Naveh â—¦ Michael Orlov â—¦ Carlos-Andres Peña-Reyes â—¦ Hagai Ravid  â—¦ Itay Reznik â—¦ Eyal Segal â—¦ Shai Sharabi â—¦ Ohad Sharet â—¦ Yonatan Shichel â—¦ Sergey Tatarenko â—¦ Itai Tzruia â—¦ Snir Vitrack Tamam â—¦ Kfir Wolfson â—¦ Assaf Zaritsky â—¦ Yael Zaritsky â—¦ Roee Ziv


Tips for Approaching a Prospective Academic Grad Advisor