Moshe Sipper

Evolutionary Computation
אלגוריתמים אבולוציוניים

Lecturer: Prof. Moshe Sipper

202-2-5651, 4 credits

Administrative Details

  • Prerequisites: Automata, Systems Programming, Algorithms, PPL
  • Highly recommended prerequisite: Python programming
  • Credits: 4
  • ​​Grade:
    • 18%: Midterm 1
    • 19%: Midterm 2
    • 29%: Presentation
    • 34%: Project
  • You must pass all above 4 course components in order to pass the course.
  • Midterm:​
    • If you miss a midterm due to a valid reason according to the university regulations (see Section 7.2), then you will take an oral makeup exam at the lecturer’s office, at a date and time decided by the lecturer.
    • If you miss a midterm due to an invalid reason then the midterm’s grade will count as 0.
    • ​Sample midterm questions.
  • Presentation:
    • Each student will present, on their own, a topic/paper from the research literature.
    • The presentation topic/paper must be approved by the lecturer.
    • You must make a selection by April 4.
    • If you do not make a selection by April 11, 10 points will be taken off the final grade.
    • You can pick a time slot through moodle.
    • Presentation length: 8-10 minutes.
    • Scoring rubric: Organization (6), Knowledge (6), Text (6), Graphics (6), Elocution (4), Eye Contact (1).
  • Project:
    • The project must be done in pairs or threesomes.
    • The topic must be approved by the lecturer.
    • A report must be submitted by the end of the semester (June 18).
    • The report must include the following seven sections:
      1. A short introduction of the domain being investigated.
      2. A description of the problem or phenomenon studied.
      3. An explanation of the methods and algorithms employed.
      4. An overview of the software (not a listing of the code).
      5. An account of the results obtained.
      6. Some interesting conclusions.
      7. Bibliographic references.
    • Language: English or Hebrew.
    • Length: 6-8 pages.
    • Don’t include the code in the report.
    • Upload the report to the course moodle as a PDF file.
    • Links to 3 sample reports: Librarian, Poker, Bomberman (note: these are longer, yours should be 6-8 pages—​keep focused).

Class Material