On his twelfth birthday Lewis Nash comes home from school to find that his house has blown up to smithereens, killing his father. Having lost his mother in an accident four years earlier, Lewis realizes he is now an orphan — but he has no time to dwell on it. The moment he gets off the school bus a fearsome wolf-man tries to grab him. The boy is saved in the nick of time by Master Long, who reveals to him that he’s a Shaper from a place called Xor, which is being devoured by the Realm Pirates. Lewis learns that he must do his utmost to become the powerful Shaper he was destined to be.Because, it would seem, he’s the one and only chance Xor has.
First chapter
“… so well written and so funny I couldn’t put it down!” Sarah’s review
“The narration carries the innocence and wonder of a child, but the maturity and reasonable wisdom of Yoda. Considering Lewis’ personality, though, it makes total sense and was enjoyable to read.” Kristina Aziz
“I had a blast reading about the world that Sipper created… If you are a fan of fantasy then yes, this book is definitely for you.” Sassy Peach
“I found this story very imaginative and fun.” Krista Cubicleblindness
“Moshe Sipper created a fun world involving Shapers and other crazy characters… The moral of the story is one worth reading.” The Polliwog Blog
“This book was very magical and whimsical. The characters are very unique and not like any other characters in any other book. I enjoyed being swept along into the land of Xor…” Bookaholic Anonymous
“…interesting that science took place in the middle of fantasy. Lewis is a real wonder boy.” Silvana’s Reviews
“I love books like this, where readers of almost all ages can enjoy them!… I would certainly recommend this book to both younger and older readers!” Remarkable Reads
“I could not put this story down. Sipper pulled me into the story from the beginning.” Wanted Readers
“I loved the concept. The characters were great. It was a very unique story… I hope there is a sequel…” Beneath the Moon and Stars
“The book is a non-stop adventure, I had a hard time putting it down…” The Reading Diaries
“…fantasy, or science fiction? Maybe both. Yet fans of either will both enjoy this very original jumble of genres…” Liz Winn
“…quite an intense story…suitable for children and teenagers, and I would recommend it.” Read Between the Lines
“This is a funny, imaginative and clever adventure perfect for middle readers… Moshe Sipper shows tremendous potential with this interplanetary debut.” Dragons Who Read
“The story was action packed and exciting… Over all I liked the story, characters, the world of Xor and Mr. Sipper’s writing style.” This Kid Reviews Books
“There were so many adventures and antagonists to keep the book from becoming boring… if Xor turned into a movie I predict it’d be a big hit.” Your Average Book Worms
“…this book surprised me, and I hope to read more like it in the future.” Megan TheBookBabe
“I liked Lewis from the second he was introduced… I found this book really enjoyable… I would recommend this book to any fantasy readers.” BOOKWORM8921
“This is the most beautifully written, and amazingly descriptive prose I’ve come across for a long time. The story is a real whirlwind which I’d recommend to all lovers of fantasy.” Paddy O’callaghan
“What an adventure! Boys in particular will just love this blend of fantasy and sci-fi, mixed up with snippets of real science and technology.” Fiona Ingram
“What I liked best about this book was its tone, and message… It was just a wonderful message, and it was worked into the story very nicely.” Maki Kotone
“Xor is a fun and exciting read … an enthralling journey into an alternate dimension where mind over matter is much more than just a cliché.” Portland Book Review
“Children will admire his fearlessness while learning life lessons … while adults will enjoy the classic adventure story.” Another Universe (San Francisco Book Review)